Billy Meier

Billy Meier

Billy Meier was born on Feburary 3, 1937 in Zurich Switzerland. Billy is most notably recognized worldwide as the best documented UFO contactee in history.

Edward Albert Meier

“If a person is filled with love for himself and his fellow human beings as well as for all living beings existing on Earth and in the universe, then he carries heaven within himself.”

Billy Meier

Some, of “Billy” Edward Albert Meier Books

Through Space and Time

Educated and tutored by the Pleiades from the age of five, Billy Meier fully equipped with what was demanded—knowledgeable, determined and fearless. Their mission is to show the existence of extraterrestrials and offer the opportunity to earth humanity to deliver themselves from the mess they have created all around the world.

The Pleiades offered Billy many opportunities for photo taking and filming, indeed, the photos are of the best quality ever in human history. This book contains most of the extraordinary UFO photos taken by Billy between 1975 and 1981, together with detailed English descriptions, it virtually is a book of history of Billy’s earlier lives.

There are eight episodes in all, in this inaugural publication, illustrating the contacts that pertain to the Red Meteor (Apophis asteroid); and the true, romantic and mystical story of Merlin, King Arthur, the extraterrestrial origins of the sword that’s come to be known as Excalibur…and much, much more. The comics contain the verbatim transcripts from Meier’s discussions with the extraterrestrials.


“There has been so much misinformation passed around by less than well informed self-styled UFO “experts” who have not been to the contact sites, have never talked to the witnesses, or the photographic laboratories who processed the original pictures, or the agencies who analyzed the recorded sounds of the spacecraft, or the laboratories who examined the physical specimens, or anything else in this case, that I have decided to release my notes in this preliminary report.

The organization is roughly chronological covering the five years of my involvement in the order that I experienced it and showing the surprises as I encountered them. There were surprises all right, and there were other developments that one who has examined a number of UFO cases comes to expect but which are extremely bizarre to the witness when he experiences them for the first time.”- Lt. Col. Wendell C. Stevens (Author) January 1, 1982