Physicist Bob Lazar

In 1989, Physicist Bob Lazar worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, USA and also on reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology from UFO’s that allegedly crashed on planet Earth. The site is called S-4 near Area 51 – a secret base located at Groom Lake in Nevada USA. Lazar broke the story of the secret Air Force Base, Area 51 and the US Government’s work on alien spacecrafts. He’s the whistleblower who shocked the world. Lazar has had many unfavorable things happen to him, with attempts to discredit him. Lazar feels the American people along with the scientific community deserve to know the truth.

Video By 8 News NOW Las Vegas
Video By PowerfulJRE
Video by Extraordinary Beliefs
Video By Extraordinary Beliefs

Element 115, the Infamous Alien “element” mentioned by Bob Lazar over a decade ago is added to periodic table, With atomic numbers of 113, 115, 117, and 118, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) announced the addition of these four elements to the periodic table, but one of them, Element 115 was already announced in 1989 when Bob Lazar, famous area 51 whistleblower revealed to the public that the UFOs possessed by the government were powered by a mysterious ‘Element 115.’ Of course at that time, the claims made by Lazar were tagged as absurd as the scientific community had no knowledge of ‘Element 115’. In 2003, his statements gained more credibility when a group of Russian scientists managed to create the elusive element, and now, twelve years after that achievement, the discovery of ‘Element 115’ was finally confirmed after numerous tests which verified its existence.

– Article by: intech bearing inc.

Video By Lawrence Livermore National

Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers

2018 Documentary:
Directed by Jeremy Kenyon